Backpacking in Chile and Argentina
La prima guida al trekking in Argentina e Cile pubblicata nel 1989. Purtroppo la Bradt dovette cedere campo alla concorrenza e l'ultima edizione è del 1994. Successivamente la sua casa editrice pubblicò Patagonia.
Ho incontrato Mrs Hilary Bradt in aeroporto a Francoforte mentre partiva con un gruppo per il Madagascar ed io per l'India con il PanAm 001 assieme ad un gruppo di Avventure nel Mondo. Le scrissi per chiederle se fosse interessata ad una traduzione del volume Ladakh. gentilmente mi rispose con una cartolina dicendo che per il momento non era interessata.
Hilary Bradt, with her former husband George, self-published her first guidebook in 1974 during an extended journey through South America, thus founding Bradt Travel Guides. A backpacking guide to Africa followed. For the first 25 years she combined writing guide books and running the company with leading adventure and natural history tours to South America, Africa and Madagascar. Her in-depth knowledge of these places has brought her lecture engagements at the Royal Geographical Society, the Smithsonian Institution and on board expedition cruise ships, as well as numerous commissions for travel articles. She now lives in Devon, indulging her interest in sculpting as well as writing regular press articles and Bradt books. In 2008 she received an MBE for her contribution to the tourism industry; in 2009 she received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the British Guild of Travel Writers, and in 2019 the Special Contribution Award at the Travel Media Awards.