In Xanadu: A Quest
While waiting for the results of his college exams, William Dalrymple decides to fill in his summer break with a trip. But the vacation he plans is no light-hearted student jaunt - he decides to retrace the epic journey of Marco Polo from Jerusalem to Xanadu, the ruined palace of Kubla Kahn, north of Peking. For the first half of the trip he is accompanied by Laura, whom he met at a dinner party two weeks before he left; for the second half he is accompanied by Louisa, his very recently ex-girlfriend. Intelligent and funny, "In Xanadu" is travel writing at its best.
WILLIAM DALRYMPLE, scrittore di viaggi e giornalista, vive tra Londra e Delhi con la moglie e i tre figli. Per i suoi saggi sull’India e l’Oriente è stato insignito di numerosi premi letterari ed è membro della Royal Society of Literature e della Royal Asiatic Society. Con Rizzoli ha pubblicato Dalla montagna sacra (1998), Il Milione (1999), In India (2000), Delhi (2001) e Nella terra dei Moghul bianchi (2002). |