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ricerca di: Cham - Libri recensiti: 8

Buddhist Sculpture in Clay Early Western Himalayan Art, Late 10th to Early 13th Centuries di Luczanits Christian

 In breve: Large-scale clay sculptures representing the main deities are characteristics of the earliest Tibetan Buddhist monuments and particularly of the monasteries and village-temples built - from the end of the 10th to the early 13th centuries in West Tibet and Ladakh.

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Le chamanisme des Kalash du Pakistan Des montagnards polythéistes face à l'islam di Laude Jean-Yves. Lievve Viviane

 In breve: Aujourd'hui encore, les Kalash, montagnards polythéistes de l'Hindu Kush, au nord-ouest du Pakistan, résistent à l'islam environnant. Au cours de leur histoire, aucune des grandes religions constituées, présentes en Himalaya, bouddhisme, hindouisme, islam, n'a réussi à dominer leur mode de pensée.

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Tibetan Religious Dances Tibetan Text and Annotated Translation of the "Chams Yig" di De Nebesky-Wojkowitz Rene

 In breve: Nebesky-Wojkowitz, during several periods of his field work in the Himalayas had studied these Buddhist temple dances. He brought to their description his expert knowledge of Tibetan iconography and ritual. Of particular interest is the translation of the Tibetan texts containing detailed instructions for the performances of the dances.

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Buddhist Monasteries of Himachal di Handa O.C.

 In breve: In this book, the splendid and ancient monasteries located in Lahul & Spiti and Kinnaur districts of Himachal Pradesh have been taken up for a detailed discussion in their historical, archaeological and architectural contexts.

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Cham yig Il libro tibetano delle danze di Consonni Alessandra

 In breve: Nelle forme attuali le danze culturali del lamaismo siano indubbiamente una sintesi dei costumi originali tibetani con i concetti e le pratiche del tantrismo indiano.

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Il lato oscuro dell'amore di Schami Rafik

 In breve: Un affresco storico che ripercorre le tormentate vicende del Medio Oriente, dalla fine dell'Impero Ottomano ai giorni nostri, tra guerre e rivolte, trame segrete e feroci dittature, spaziando dalla Siria al Libano, dall'esilio in Europa e in America all'emigrazione in Arabia Saudita. La biografia di un popolo, quello siriano, incessantemente tormentato dalla politica alla religione. Il ritratto di una città misteriosa e affascinante, Damasco, che rivive in queste pagine con precisione e tenerezza.

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Mani Rimdu The Buddhist Dance Drama of Thyangboche di Fantin Mario

 In breve: The colour photographs by the author transports the reader to the hazy nether world of the high Himalayas-dance costumes of flaming colours, clear-eyed children, lamas, gods and animals. The book has all the visual ingredients of a popular, and expensive publication that makes an ideal gift.

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Oracles and Demons of Tibet the cult and iconography of the tibetan protective Deities di De Nebesky-Wojkowitz Rene

 In breve: A detailed study of the cult of Dharma protectors and oracles, with a discussion of their position within Tibetan Buddhism.

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