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ricerca di: Chitral - Libri recensiti: 5

Solstice païen Fêtes de l'hiver chez les Kalash di Laude Jean-Yves , Lièvre Vivianne , Nègre Hervé

 In breve: I Kalash, abitanti di montagna, pastori e agricoltori politeisti, occupano tre remote valli dell'Hindu Kush, nel nord-ovest del Pakistan, a un giorno di cammino dal confine con l'Afghanistan.
Costituiscono l'ultimo popolo non musulmano, non buddhista e non hindu nell'arco himalayano. Ancora oggi mantengono un rapporto intimo con gli antichi dei e gli spiriti della natura che onorano durante le grandiose feste in occasione del solstizio d'inverno.

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The seven mountain travel books di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. His belief was "any worthwhile expedition can be planned on the back of an envelope."
This paperbound includes: Snow on the Equator, The Ascent of Nanda Devi, When Men and Mountains Meet, 1938, Two Mountains and a River, China to Chitral, Nepal Himalaya.

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China to Chitral di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century.
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Kafirs and glaciers - Travels in Chitral di Shomberg Reginald Charles Francis

 In breve: The present work, Schomberg's final book, offers an acount of the pagan Kafirs of the Chitral area, who even then were fast becoming muslim converts. It also contains an excellent description of the region's mountains and glaciers. It is the scarcest of Schomberg's books.

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The hearth of a continent A Narrative of Travels in Manchuria, across the Gobi Desert, through the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and Chitral, 1884-1894 di Younghusband sir Francis

 In breve: Francis Younghusband was an explorer and soldier best known for leading the controversial British military mission to Lhasa, Tibet in 1903‒4. In 1886 Younghusband was granted leave from his military post in British India to accompany the explorer H.E.M. James on a seven-month journey around Manchuria. After completing this expedition, Younghusband received permission in March 1887 to undertake an overland journey from Peking (Beijing) to India.

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