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ricerca di: Himachal - Libri recensiti: 9

Ladakh 5a ed. - turismo e trekking in Kashmir, Ladakh, Zanskar, Lahul, Spiti, Himachal Pradesh, Garwal, Kumaon di Vasta Marco

 In breve: NUOVA EDIZIONE AGGIORNATA 2016 La guida nasce da migliaia di chilometri macinati a piedi assieme agli amici cercando di capire questa terra, così lontana nello spazio e nel tempo, e la sua religione, il Buddhismo lamaista, nata dalla fede di questi montanari costretti a convivere con una natura affascinante ma anche ostile e spietata.

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Tabo Monastery and Buddhism in the Trans-Himalaya Thousand Years of Existence of the Tabo Chos-Khor di Handa O.C.

 In breve: This book is a comprehensive study of the rise and development of Buddhism in a broader spatio-temporal context of the western trans-Himalaya region since its nascent days in India. The later efflorescence of Buddhism in the Tibetan world and the emergence of Buddhist kingdom of Guge in the western Tibet has been discussed in the context of the contemporary trans-Himalayan polity.

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Buddhist Monasteries of Himachal di Handa O.C.

 In breve: In this book, the splendid and ancient monasteries located in Lahul & Spiti and Kinnaur districts of Himachal Pradesh have been taken up for a detailed discussion in their historical, archaeological and architectural contexts.

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Fuoco sulla montagna di Desai Anita

 In breve: Dopo un'esistenza spesa al servizio della famiglia, con tanti figli e nipoti, ma piena di delusioni, Nanda Kaul si è ritirata in scontrosa solitudine sulle pendici dell'Himalaya, in una casa con giardino circondata da una boscaglia perennemente minacciata dal fuoco.

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Himachal di Manmohan Singh Bawa

 In breve: The photography on this page are by Ashok Dilwali from his book Himachal, published by Frank Educational Aids Pvt Ltd, New Delhi. This book captures the beauty of Himachal and its people. The book's text is written by Manmohan Singh Bawa. I strongly recommend this book.

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Quest for Kim In Search of Kipling's Great Game di Hopkirk Peter

 In breve: This book is for all those who love Kim, the masterpiece of Indian life in which Kipling immortalized the Great Game, the centuries-old power struggle between Russia and Great Britain in the depths of Central Asia. Fascinated since childhood by this strange tale of an orphan boy's recruitment into the Indian secret service, Peter Hopkirk here explores the many mysteries surrounding Kipling's great novel.

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Socio-Econonomic Organisation in a Border Area of Tibetan Culture Tabo, Spiti Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India di Jahoda Christian

 In breve: Il focus di questo studio è la classe contadina del villaggio di Tabo nella valle dello Spiti e le aree adiacenti di lingua tibetana nell'Himalaya nord-occidentale. Da una prospettiva metodologica, questo libro è principalmente il risultato di una combinazione di lavoro sul campo di antropologia sociale e analisi di fonti scritte storiche e contemporanee (in parte provenienti dai possedimenti del monastero di Tabo, vecchio di oltre 1.000 anni).

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The princely and noble families of the former indian empire vol 1: Himachal Pradesh di Brentnall Mark

 In breve: The book culls historical accounts from British gazetteers, princely families’ own archival material and various other books published in the 19th and the early 20th centuries. These have been then made up-to-date through personal research of the author.

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Transhumants of Himalayas Changspas of Ladakh, Gaddis of Himachal Pradesh, and Bhutias of Sikkim di Veena Bhasin

 In breve: Recensione da inserire

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