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ricerca di: Houghton Mifflin Company - Libri recensiti: 2

Imperial Way By rail from Peshawar to Chittagong di Theroux Paul ; McCurry Steve

 In breve: In 82 attention-holding illustrations, McCurry shows people, stations and landscapes that he and Theroux saw while traveling in a succession of 11 trains from northwestern Pakistan, through northern India, to the southeastern corner of Bangladesh, with side trips to Simla and Darjeeling.

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The Hungry Tide di Ghosh Amitav

 In breve: Between the sea and the plains of Bengal, on the easternmost coast of India, lies an immense archipelago of islands. Some are vast and some no larger than sandbars; some are vast and some no larger than sandbars; some have lasted through recorded history while others have just washed into being.

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