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ricerca di: John Murray - Libri recensiti: 4

Full Tilt Ireland to India with a Bicycle di Murphy Dervla

 In breve: This book recounts a trip, taken mostly on bicycle, by a gritty Irishwoman in 1963. Her route was through Yugoslavia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and ended in New Delhi. She carried a pistol, got sunstroke, and suffered the usual stomach disorders. She endured bad accommodations but reaped much local hospitality, too, including a dinner with the Pakistani president. Most of the book concerns the high mountain country of Afghanistan and Pakistan. First published in England in 1965, the book is neither current, nor quite old enough to be of much historical interest.

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Coast of Incense, Autobiography, 1933-39 di Stark Freya

 In breve: The Coast of Incense is the third book in Freya Stark's autobiography. It covers the middle years (1933-1939). The author emerges as an intelligent and gifted woman, a sensitive observer and a courageous traveler.

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Himalayan Traders Life in highland Nepal di Von Fürer Haimendorf Christoph

 In breve: Era un classico, Un Nepal scomparso.
Fieldwork over the period 1953 to 1971 enables the author to see the way in which the closing of the Tibetan frontier by the Chinese in 1959 effected a people so heavily dependent on trade.

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Travels into Bokhara Being the Account of a Journey from India to Cabool, Tartary and Persia; Also, Narrative of a Voyage on the Indus, from the Sea to Lahore, with Presents from the King of Great Britain di Burnes Alexander

 In breve: Burnes agiva come diplomatico e spia. Avendo avuto successo, venne quindi inviato in una missione molto pił pericolosa, per esplorare le realtą politiche ed etniche tra i Khanati dell'Afghanistan e dell'Asia centrale. Questo diario di viaggio porta l'inebriante senso di eccitazione, rischio e zelo delle missioni di Alexander Burnes.

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