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ricerca di: Oxford University Press - Libri recensiti: 12

Trans-Himalayan Caravans Merchant Princes and Peasant Traders in Ladakh di Rizvi Janet

 In breve: This intriguing account of Ladakhi trade is spiced with enough personal details of the traders at all levels. This book documents the extraordinarily complex pattern of trade upon which the pre-Independence economy of Ladakh largely depended.

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Unbecoming Citizens: Culture, Nationhood, and the Flight of Refugees from Bhutan di Hutt Michael

 In breve: During the early 1990s, about 95,000 people arrived in eastern Nepal. They claimed to have come from Bhutan, and they alleged that they had been forced out of their homelands by the Bhutanese government. Very few believed them, and even now, not a single one of these refugees has returned to Bhutan. This book explains who these people are and why they left Bhutan. It also examines the broader implications of their story for a world awash with refugees.

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Concise Flowers of the Himalaya di Polunin Oleg ; Stainton Adam

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Ladakh Crossroads of High Asia di Rizvi Janet

 In breve: This authoritatively written book is the first to study Ladakh, the celebrated Last outpost of Tibetan civilization. Janet Rizvi shows how Buddhism and Islam met at this high-altitude crossroads to form a unique culture, and discusses the region's history, rich oral tradition, economy, literature, and artifacts.

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Birds and Mammals of Ladakh di Pfister Otto

 In breve: Ladakh in the northwestern trans-Himalayan reagion is a land of rich biodiversity. It has remained closed to visitors for many years. Yet, during recent years, tourism has 'discovered' the land of scenic landscapes, unspoiled nature, and hospitable people. This book is a complete inventory of all bird and mammal species in the Ladakh region.

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Crusader Castles di Lawrence T. E.

 In breve: This volume reproduces Lawrence's text, drawings, and photographs; provides a new introduction, critical notes, and index; and reassesses in light of recent scholarship Lawrence's controversial claim that Crusader castles of the 12th century owed more to castles in the West than to anything the Franks found in the East, and that western military architecture absorbed little or nothing from the Orient before the 12th century.

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Himalayan Ornithologist (A) Life and work of B.H. Hodgson di Cocker Mark, Inskipp Carol

 In breve: Our present-day knowledge of the birds of the Himalayan region can be traced back to the pioneering work of Brian Houghton Hodgson who was a 19th century naturalist, scholar and administrator. Born in Cheshire in 1800, Hodgson was resident in Kathmandu for many years and he described or collected over 120 species of birds new to science.

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Modern Literary Nepali An Introductory Reader di Michael Hutt

 In breve: This book introduces a selection of published 20th century Nepali texts, in both prose and verse. It contains 5 short stories, 2 essays, an extract from an autobiography, and 20 complete poems, along with 7 extracts from a longer narrative poem and provides an introduction into modern Nepali literature.

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The Gilgit Game The Explorers of the Western Himalayas, 1865-95 di Keay John

 In breve: This first narrative account of one of the most intriguing stories of exploration set against a backdrop of political expansion and military brinkmanship. John writes with humour, sympathy and admiration for this small group of intelligence agents, whose activities had far-reaching repercussions on the region.

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The Mouth of People, the Voice of God Buddhists and Muslims in a Frontier Community of Ladakh di Srinivas Smriti

 In breve: This ethnography of the Buddhist and Muslim communities in two villages of Ladakh analyzes family relations, kinship, division of labor, and gender. The author relates social structure to the distinctive ecological conditions of the region.

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Trepassers of the roof of the world: the race for Lhasa di Hopkirk Peter

 In breve: In this remarkable, and ultimately tragic narrative, Peter Hopkirk recounts the forcible opening up of this medieval land during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the extraordinary race between agents, soldiers, missionaries, mountaineers, explorers, and mystics from nine different countries to reach Lhasa, Tibet's sacred capital.

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The Nabataean Tomb Inscriptions of Mada’in Salih) With an Arabic section translated by Solaiman Al-Theeb di Healey John F.

 In breve: The first full study of the important first century AD Nabataean inscriptions of Mada'in Salih in Saudi Arabia since the turn of the century. A unique and authoritative work incorporating 50 halftone illustrations of tomb inscriptions. This is the first of the new series of Supplements to the Journal of Semitic Studies (OUP). These supplements will be sold as books: they will not be available as part of the subscription of the Journal.

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