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ricerca di: Thames - Libri recensiti: 8

Mirror of the Orient di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Insuperabile ed introvabile

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Afghanistan di Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina

 In breve: Favoloso, introvabile in Italia, ma lo puoi acquistare tramite (clicca sul link)

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Henri Cartier-Bresson in India di Cartier-Bresson Henri

 In breve: Produced over six visits to India, from 1947 through the early 80s, these dramatic images are shaped by an eye and mind legendary for their intelligent empathy and graphic honesty.

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Where Heaven and Mountains Meet - Zanskar and the Himalayas di Föllmi Olivier

 In breve: Deep in the heart of the Himalayas, isolated from the outside world by snow for nine months of the year, the ancient kingdom of Zanskar seems light years away from the modern world and its inhabitants. Olivier Follmi and his wife, Danielle, have made numerous trips to Zanskar over the past twenty years, the results of which are eloquently revealed in this volume.

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Baikal Sacred sea of Siberia di Matthiessen Peter - Norton Boyd

 In breve: In the summer of 1990, National Book Award winner Matthiessen (The Snow Leopard), composer Paul Winter and a group of Russian environmentalists traveled around Baikal, which had previously been off limits to foreigners as well as to most citizens of the former Soviet Union.

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Jokhang Tibet's Most Sacred Buddhist Temple di Gyurme Dorje, Tashi Tsering, Heather Stoddard, Andre Alexander

 In breve: Situato al centro di un'antica rete di templi buddhisti nel Grande Tempio di Lhasa, il Jokhang è il cuore della vita spirituale ed economica del Tibet. Questo sito Patrimonio dell'Umanità dell'UNESCO è il suggestivo punto focale di Lhasa, da cui affollate stradine commerciali si irradiano verso l'esterno in tutte le direzioni.

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Monsoon di McCurry

 In breve: For more than half the world's people, the weather can be a matter of survival. Good monsoons mean prosperity and life, and poor ones are attended by famine and death. The monsoon is immune to control by government and technology alikeazione

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The Ganges di Raghubir Singh

 In breve: India is not a place, it is an experience. And the Ganges is not a river, it is an aspect of the divine. Born and brought up in Rajasthan, Raghubir Singh felt the spell of the river, its destructive power, and its majesty.

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