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ricerca di: Waller Derek - Libri recensiti: 2

The Pundits British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia di Waller Derek

 In breve: The Great Trigonometrical Survey of India was officially instituted in 1818. In their desire to extend the survey into the Tibetan plateau, then closed territory, the British authorities trained Indian natives in surveying techniques. It was their work beyond the northern frontiers of India which resulted in the charting of over one million square miles of virtually uncharted territory, often at great risk to themselves

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The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia di Waller Derek

 In breve: I mitici Pundit, i veri esploratori dell'Himalaya e del Tibet ignoto.
To thwart a prohibition against their exploration of the unknown lands of Central Asia, beginning in the 1860s, the British in India trained native Indians in surveying techniques and sent them beyond the northern frontiers to gather political and geographical information. Waller (political science, Vanderbilt) studies the adventures and the findings of these explorer-spies.

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