Conosci la Guida On Line al Pakistan di Marco? Libri suggeriti in ordine
In breve: Fautore delle spedizioni leggere, Shipton ha lasciato testimonianza delle sue avventure alpinistiche in numerosi volumi che si segnalano per la vivacità e la capacità di trasmettere al lettore la passione per gli spazi vergini che animò l'autore per tutta la vita. |
In breve: Until 1936, when he began diplomatic work in India, he explored the regions of the North West Frontier, publishing 4 books on the subject during the 1930's. |
In breve: Shipton's account of exploration in the Shaksgam area north of the main Karakoram range. The team included Tilman, M. Spender, and J.B. Auden. |
In breve: This book recounts a trip, taken mostly on bicycle, by a gritty Irishwoman in 1963. Her route was through Yugoslavia, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and ended in New Delhi. She carried a pistol, got sunstroke, and suffered the usual stomach disorders. She endured bad accommodations but reaped much local hospitality, too, including a dinner with the Pakistani president. Most of the book concerns the high mountain country of Afghanistan and Pakistan. First published in England in 1965, the book is neither current, nor quite old enough to be of much historical interest. |
In breve: |
In breve: Aujourd'hui, seuls subsistent les Kalash, à l'est de la frontière afghane. Les seuls à avoir gardé jusqu'à nos jours leur propre religion polythéiste, leurs coutumes, leurs fêtes et leurs sacrifices d'animaux. Les seuls à présents, dans l'immense océan islamique qui borde à la fois la Méditerranée et les rives du Gange, à ne pas être immergés dans la foi coranique. |
In breve: Fatland, classe 1983, narra l'Himalaya odierna, una terra che muta rapidamente, ma nel suo racconto si ritroveranno sia i nostalgici del tempo che fu, della ricerca della propria Shangrila, del dal bhat power for ever, sia chi tiene quelle valli ed a quelle vette nel cassetto dei sogni. |
In breve: Aujourd'hui encore, les Kalash, montagnards polythéistes de l'Hindu Kush, au nord-ouest du Pakistan, résistent à l'islam environnant. Au cours de leur histoire, aucune des grandes religions constituées, présentes en Himalaya, bouddhisme, hindouisme, islam, n'a réussi à dominer leur mode de pensée. |
In breve: Dans Les Enfants de minuit, Rushdie allie à merveille histoire publique et histoire privée au sein d'une dialectique identitaire qui fonde toute son oeuvre. Le narrateur, Saleem, dont la mémoire a des soubresauts en apparence fantasques, est un de ces enfants nés à minuit le jour de l'indépendance de l'Inde. |
In breve: I Kalash, abitanti di montagna, pastori e agricoltori politeisti, occupano tre remote valli dell'Hindu Kush, nel nord-ovest del Pakistan, a un giorno di cammino dal confine con l'Afghanistan. |
In breve: Also this book of Eric Shipton takes one back to the glorious days of Himalayan exploration when every turn on the mountain trail could reveal a sight, hitherto unknown to human eyes. It is no surprise that some of the grandest secrets of the Himalayas were revealed to probably the most sympathetic, poetic and daring explorers of all time. |
In breve: The present work is a record of journey of George Scott Robertson to Kafiristan during 1890-91. He was then a British agent at Gilgit. This work also describes the wild and interesting inhabitants that he encountered during his one-year journey in the Hindu-Kush. |
In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. His belief was "any worthwhile expedition can be planned on the back of an envelope." |
In breve: In navigazione verso l'Inghilterra, in un breve rientro durante la guerra, Shipton riepiloga le tappe dell'esperienza alpinistica in “Upon that Mountain”. Non è solo il racconto di imprese avventurose. I principi fondamentali del suo alpinismo vengono delineati chiaramente. |
In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. |
In breve: One winter, Dervla Murphy and her six-year-old daughter Rachel decided to explore "Little Tibet," a place high up in the Karakoram Mountains in the frozen heart of the Western Himalayas. For three months, they traveled on foot and by pony along the perilous Indus Gorge and into the nearby valleys. |