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22/02/2025 09:40:50

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Opere di narrativa di autori Himalayani
suggerite in ordine di
preferenza ed alfabetico
da cinque
a una

  Across Peaks & Passes in Ladakh, Zanskar & East Karakoram di Kapadia Harish

 In breve: Ladakh for tourists and Ladakh for trekkers and climbers are two different worlds. There is nothing in this world like Pangong lake or Tso Moriri lake which change colour every hour with the sun, and the brown hills behind make it appear as if from a Tolkein story world.

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  Across the Frozen Himalaya di Kohli Harish

 In breve: "Across the Frozen Himalaya is an account of the first ever Ski traverse from the Karakoram pass to the Lipu Lekh pass, a 2,000 kilometre epic through the coldest winter in the previous two decades. The Ski-Himalaya expedition crossed twenty passes, including three that were hitherto unknown.

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  Himalayan art di Madanjeet Singh

 In breve: Mi è stato utilissimo all'inizio delle mie ricerche. Era l'unico libro si queste aree himalayane che permettesse di localizzare le opere d'arte. Esisteva una traduzione italiana oramai esaurita.

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  Il mandala di Sherlock Holmes di Norbu Jamyang

 In breve: Nel 1891 si scoprì che Sherlock Holmes era morto precipitando nelle Cascate di Reichenbach insieme con il Dottor Moriarty, genio del male e suo avversario di sempre. Due anni dopo, tra lo stupore generale, Holmes riapparve, e confessò a un incredulo Watson di essere stato in Tibet dove aveva avuto il piacere di visitare Lhasa. Di questi due misteriosi anni non si è mai saputo nulla. Jamyang Norbu finge di essere entrato in possesso di una scatola arrugginita. La scatola contiene un plico accuratamente legato con uno spago e sigillato con ceralacca. È il resoconto scritto da Mookerjee dei suoi viaggi in Tibet in compagnia di Sherlock Holmes.

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  Into the High Ranges di Agarhwal Ravina

 In breve: Cold and forbidding to some. A comfort and solace to others. India’s mountainscapes are a testimony to the endurance of the human spirit. From the Himalayas in the north to the Nilgiris in the south, there exist a diverse range of physical, cultural, and aesthetic lifestyles. Into the High Ranges brings together essays and creative works by some of India’s best-known contemporary writers as well as fresh writings by other authors whose imaginations have been fired by these high reaches. Covering a broad spectrum of themes that delve into literature, history, culture and politics, these narratives present an intimate view that differs from stereotypical musings on mountains.

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  The Lawudo Lama di Wangmo, Jamyang

 In breve: Lama Zopa's first-person account of his life provides an intriguing window into the dramatic changes modernity has brought the Everest region. Taken together, the stories in the Lawudo Lama offers an unprecedented glimpse into a century of traditions and change in the Himalayan world.

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  Kailash-Mansarovar di K.L. Sharma

 In breve: Trekking in the Himalayas has always been a spiritual experience. Difficulties of the journey and unceasing revelry of the mighty forces of nature bewilder the human mind.

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