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21/02/2025 19:05:55

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Guide cartacee del Khumbu

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  Nepal di Bradley Mayhew (Autore), Joe Bindloss (Autore), Lindsay Brown (Autore), Stuart Butler (Autore), Tsering Lama (Autore)

 In breve: Lonely Planet's Nepal is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Explore the temples of Kathmandu, search for tigers in Chitwan National Park, and trek in the shadow of some of the highest mountains; all with your trusted travel companion.irfax Media (Australia)

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  Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya di Mathew Bradley , Brown Lindsay

 In breve: Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Tour through the hidden backstreet courtyards and temples of Kathmandu, explore the base of the world's highest mountain and learn everything you need to know to trek through this incredible region; all with your trusted travel companion.

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  Nepal Trekking and the Great Himalaya Trail di Boustead Robin

 In breve: A route and planning guide to the best treks throughout Nepal, including the route crossing the entire country. With detailed Kathmandu and Pokhara city guides (hotels, restaurants and sightseeing)

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  Everest di ReynoldsKev , Kucharski Radek

 In breve: La seconda edizione inglese del 2018 ha inserito il Tibet e riporta aggionamenti post-terremoto. Consultata per il Pikey peak ed il Dudhkunda appena accennati.

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  Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya di Armington Stan

 In breve: Esaurito dal secolo scorso, Nuove edizioni aggiornate successive.
Armington funge da guida personale del lettore, spiegando dove e come percorrere e presentando dettagli affascinanti sulla storia di fondo di ogni sentiero.

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