In breve: Con il contributo di numerosi specialisti, lo studio socioeconomico dell’insediamento di sTongde in Zanskar ha permesso di conoscere la civiltà tibetana in una zona dove essa è ancora viva e prospera. |
In breve: This intriguing account of Ladakhi trade is spiced with enough personal details of the traders at all levels. This book documents the extraordinarily complex pattern of trade upon which the pre-Independence economy of Ladakh largely depended. |
In breve: I trekked on the author's footprints in july 2002, in the stages between Tso Moriri and Rupshu. Francke's personal narrative in two volumes with maps, 45 plates and 4 text illustrations was first published in 1914 and is an archaeological survey of the districts which once formed the kingdom of Western Tibet. |
In breve: The autobiographical account of the extraordinary career and travels of Buddhist scholar and translator David Snellgrove, spanning his explorations of Central, South and Southeast Asian cultures over a period of 56 years. |
In breve: Gutschow, a visiting assistant professor in religion at Williams College, spent over a decade living in various Buddhist nunneries in the Zangskar region of Kashmir to produce a thoroughgoing ethnography describing the "alternative society" the nuns established within their restrictive environment. |
In breve: Large-scale clay sculptures representing the main deities are characteristics of the earliest Tibetan Buddhist monuments and particularly of the monasteries and village-temples built - from the end of the 10th to the early 13th centuries in West Tibet and Ladakh. |
In breve: Il migliore ma purtroppo non più reperibile in Italia |
In breve: Olivier Fölmi ha soggiornato per l’intero inverno in Zanskar descrivendo l’esperienza in questo libro. È un'esperienza ormai della fine anni "70. |
In breve: Utilissimo quando si desidera scambiare qualche parola con i propri ospiti in special modo nei villaggi isolati o nelle malge. |
In breve: This authoritatively written book is the first to study Ladakh, the celebrated Last outpost of Tibetan civilization. Janet Rizvi shows how Buddhism and Islam met at this high-altitude crossroads to form a unique culture, and discusses the region's history, rich oral tradition, economy, literature, and artifacts. |