I mille volti dello sciamano
A seguito del successo del diario di Eugenio Ghersi “Sull’altopiano dell’Io sottile”, ora l’antropologo David Bellatalla, “padre” del progetto di solidarietà “Una Ger per tutti” ad Ulan Bator (Mongolia), ci affascina con un nuovo lavoro dedicato ad uno dei temi più intriganti: lo sciamanesimo.
“Lo sciamanesimo è di per sé l’irrazionale per eccellenza, un territorio instabile dove il nostro intelletto può solamente saltellare tra episodi circoscritti e interpretazioni soggettive, tra constatazioni temporanee e spiegazioni mediate da modelli culturali, per ritrovarsi ogni volta al punto di partenza”. Con un interessante corredo fotografico e con la prefazione di Sergio Poggianella. Il nuovo libro di David sostiene il progetto in Mongolia.
The Thousand Faces Of The Shaman. Foreword by Sergio Poggianella
To grasp the meaning of a book and the author’s weltanschauung is an extremely complex matter. Reflecting on the title "IN SEARCH OF THE KEEN EGO; the thousand faces of the Shaman "chosen by David Bellatalla for his book, I believe I have identified the admirable synthesis of the spirit that has animated his research from Eurasia to Australia, in the most remote, reached places, with the most varied means available: airplanes, trains, trucks, cars, motorcycles, bicycles or on mule or reindeer and above all on foot. The aim was and remains to testify through accurate ethnographies what, with the disappearance of traditions, remains of the ancient shamanic practices. Regarding the choice of the subtitle "The Thousand Faces of the Shaman" I like to venture the hypothesis that it was suggested to Bellatalla following the viewing of the shamanic artifacts of the Sergio Poggianella Foundation and after the examination of two publications on the spot, in the which a part of these paraphernalia appears to have been compared to some of Kandinsky's masterpieces. The two catalogs refer to the exhibition "Kandinsky the artist as a shaman" organized in Vercelli in 2014 and that of "Wassily Kandinsky. Everything starts from a dot”, traveling in Brazil between the end of 2014 and 2015. |