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23/02/2025 07:18:38

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Libri di contenuto più ampio che trattano anche del Caucaso

  Walking in the Caucasus, Georgia di Nasmyth Peter

 In breve: In this the new, improved second edition of his highly personal guide he presents 53 routes with maps, GPS coordinates, 125 colour photos, and sections on birds, flora and fauna.

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  Bread And Ashes di Anderson Tony

 In breve: It remains an abiding mystery that Georgia has managed to survive at all, devastated time and again by the vagabond hordes from the steppes and torn between the mighty empires that struggled over it.

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  The Silk Road Gourmet di Kelley Laura

 In breve: Con ricette completamente testate e istruzioni passo-passo, The Silk Road Gourmet ti porta in casa la cucina esotica dell'Asia Centrale.

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