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When Things Fall Apart

Heart Advice for Difficult Times

Chodron, Pema

Editeur - Casa editrice

Shambhala Publications


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


When Things Fall Apart  

There is a fundamental opportunity for happiness right within our reach, yet we usually miss it—ironically, while we are caught up in attempts to escape pain and suffering. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, Pema Chödrön's radical and compassionate advise for what to do when things fall apart in our lives goes against the grain of our usual habits and expectations. There is only one approach to suffering that is of lasting benefit, Pema teaches, and that approach involves moving toward painful situations with friendliness and curiosity, relaxing into the essential groundlessness of our entire situation. It is there, in the midst of chaos, that we can discover the truth and love that are indestructible. Included in the book are:

Ways to use painful emotions to cultivate wisdom, compassion, and courage
Methods of communicating that lead to openness and true intimacy with others
Practices for reversing negative habitual patterns
Techniques for working with chaotic situations
Tools for cultivating compassionate, energetic social action


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

Pema Chödrön is an American Buddhist nun and one of the foremost students of Chögyam Trungpa, the renowned Tibetan meditation master. She is resident teacher at Gampo Abbey, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the first Tibetan monastery in North America established for Westerners.

Recensione in lingua italiana

Ane Pema Chodron (vero nome Deirdre Blomfield-Brown) è nata nel 1936, a New York. Laureata a Berkeley ha insegnato per molti anni come insegnante elementare. A trentaquattro anni, in seguito all’incontro, in Francia, con il Lama Chime Rinpoche, diventa monaca buddista. Da allora ha diretto diverse comunità buddiste in varie parti del mondo. Il successo dei suoi primi due libri, The Wisdom of No Escape e Start Where You Are, l’hanno resa un’autorità indiscussa come maestra di buddismo e divulgatrice. Il suo libro più recente è When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times.