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The Dragon in the Land of Snows
A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947
Tsering Shakya

Editeur - Casa editrice

Penguin Publishing Group


Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Titolo originale

The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947

Lingua - language - langue


The Dragon in the Land of Snows  

Basata interamente su fonti primarie inedite, la storia del Tibet moderno di Tsering Shakya infrange la concezione popolare del paese come Shangri-la isolata, non influenzata dagli sviluppi internazionali più ampi.
Shakya fornisce un resoconto equilibrato e dettagliato della continua lotta del Tibet per mantenere la sua indipendenza e salvaguardare la sua identità culturale, mentre è schiacciato tra i pesi massimi della geopolitica asiatica: Gran Bretagna, India, Cina e Stati Uniti.
Con una documentazione completa, Shakya descrive nei dettagli le depredazioni cinesi del Tibet e rivela i fallimenti delle strategie divise della leadership tibetana. Elevandosi al di sopra del semplicistico dualismo così spesso riscontrato nei resoconti della controversa storia recente del Tibet, The Dragon in the Land of Snows descrive lucidamente la tragedia che ha colpito il Tibet e identifica le forze contrastanti che continuano a plasmare le aspirazioni del popolo tibetano oggi.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

Based entirely on unpublished primary sources, Tsering Shakya's groundbreaking history of modern Tibet shatters the popular conception of the country as an isolated Shangri-la unaffected by broader international developments. Shakya gives a balanced, blow-by-blow account of Tibet's ongoing struggle to maintain its independence and safeguard its cultural identity while being sandwiched between the heavyweights of Asian geopolitics: Britain, India, China, and the United States. With thorough documentation, Shakya details the Chinese depredations of Tibet, and reveals the failures of the Tibetan leadership's divided strategies. Rising above the simplistic dualism so often found in accounts of Tibet's contested recent history, The Dragon in the Land of Snows lucidly depicts the tragedy that has befallen Tibet and identifies the conflicting forces that continue to shape the aspirations of the Tibetan people today.

Tsering Shakya was born in Tibet and attended the School of Oriental and African Studies at London University, where he is currently a research fellow in Tibetan Studies. Over the last ten years, Shakya has briefed politicians on Tibet at the British Foreign Office and the European Parliament; he has written numerous articles and taken part in television and radio discussions; and he is regularly consulted on Tibetan matters by the international media. In 1997, he translated into English Palden Gyatso's The Autobiography of a Tibetan Monk.