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23/02/2025 03:28:18

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Libri di contenuto più ampio che trattano anche del USA

  Rough Guide to Alaska 2 di Whitfield Paul

 In breve: 'Everything the casual visitor to Alaska is going to need – trip after trip after trip.' Portland Oregonian
The Rough Guide to Alaska is the comprehensive handbook to one of the world's true adventure destinations.

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  Adventure treks Western North America di Townsens Chris

 In breve: Quando sognavo di camminare nel Nord America...

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  Dragon Thunder di Gimian Carolyn ; Mukpo Diana J.

 In breve: In a story at turns magical, troubling, humorous, and totally out of the ordinary, the author takes readers into her intimate life with one of the most influential and dynamic Buddhist teachers of the 20th century. 10 photos.

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  High Alaska di Waterman Jonathan ; Washburn, Bradford

 In breve: A blend of mountaineering history and route guide to these three great peaks. Includes approach, mileage, camps, and more.
Per alpinisti e trekker.

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