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Sakti Cult in Orissa
Brighenti Francesco

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DK Print World Pvt.Ltd



Città - Town - Ville

New Delhi

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Sakti Cult in Orissa

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Sakti Cult in Orissa

Sakti Cult in Orissa  

Interessante pubblicazione ricavata dalla Tesi di Dottorato.

In the Hindu worldview, Sakti is the Mother of the Universe : the highest primal power. She is, accordingly, the all pervading, intagible energy principle that proples the cosmos and its endless human dimensions with the life-throbs of activity and culture. Many are her songs, countless her stories, numerous her names. Worship of Sakti, as a pan-Indian phenomenon, predates Sansktitic influences of every kind. Combining his extensive field work with diverse published and unpublished sources : archaeological, historical and religious, Francesco Brighenti`s study traces its presence in Orissa. Which, perhaps, provides the best paradigm of an age-old Goddess cult, deeply rooted in the autochthonous religious traditions of Eastern India.
It is the first, all-encompassing study, in an ethono-historical perspective, exploring the multi linear evolution of Sakti worship in Orissa : from the pre/proto-historical times to the late medieval epoch, and even its continuity into the modern period - with contextual focus on its probeble genesis, historical development, festivals, ritualistic patterns, and cultural sources including myths legends and folklore. The book also incorporates, besides a description of important Sakta centres in Orissa, a study of the Divine Mother`s iconographic features in Her multifarious manifestations.
Together with around hundred illustrations highlighting the varied representations of Sakti in sculpture, this study will interest not only the scholars of archaeology, history and religion, but historians of art as well.


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

List of Black and White Figures
List of Coloured Illustrations
Chapter 1 : Autochthonous Roots of Sakti Cult in Orissa
1. The Austro-Asiatic Cultural Heritage of Orissa
2. The Dravidian Cultural Heritage of Orissa
3. Worship of the Female Principle in Pre-Patriarchal Societies
4. Worship of Malevolent Female Deities and Spirits
5. Aniconic Representation of Goddesses
6. Links between Sakti and Naga Cults
7. Links between Sakti and Yaksa Cults
8. Sakti Cult and Tribal Shamanism
9. Worship of Pillar-Goddessess and Pole-Goddessess
Chapter 2: Sakti Cults in Orissa in the Historical Period
1. Rise of Sakti Cult in the Gupta Age
2. Sakti Cult in the Post Gupta Period
3. Sakta Tantrism in the Bhauma Epoch
4. The Kapalikas and Kaulas in Orissa
5. Sakti Cult in the Somavamsi period
6. Cult Syncreticism in the Ganga and Suryavamsi Periods
7. Proliferation of Royal Goddesses in the Later Medieval Period
8. Final Considerations
Chapter 3 : Important Sakta Centres of Orissa
1. Jajpur
2. Purusottama or Puri
3. Kakatpur
4. Jhankad
5. Banki
6. Gopalprasad Talcher
7. Banpur
8. Ekamra or Bhubaneswar
Chapter 4 : Manifestation of Sakti
1. Durga
2. Camunda
3. The Divine Mothers
4. Varahi
5. Sixty-four Yoginis
6. Serpent Goddesses
7. Parvati
8. Sri-Laksmi
Chapter 5 : Sakta Festivals and Rituals
1. The Cycle of the Caitra Festivals
2. The Cycle of the Asvina and Karttika Festivals
3. Other Important Sakta Festivals of Orissa
4. The Tradition of Human Sacrifice in Orissa
Black and White Figures
Coloured Plates


Francesco Brighenti (Venezia, 1963) ha viaggiato estesamente in India spinto dai suoi interessi accademici verso le tradizioni viventi dell’induismo ed il loro rapporto con le culture tribali. Dopo aver lavorato sui culti femminili dello stato dell’Orissa (1995-97), egli ha ottenuto il suo Ph.D. dalla Utkal Univeristy di Bhubaneswar. Dalla sua tesi di dottorato è stato successivamente ricavato un libro (Shakti Cult in Orissa, New Delhi, D.K. Printworld, 2001). Come membro della Venetian Academy of Indian Studies, associazione indologica che ha stretti rapporti con il Dipartimento Studi Eurasiatici dell’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, Francesco ha compiuto ricerche sulle pratiche religiose diffuse fra le popolazioni tribali dell’India orientale e sulla loro relazione con le tipologie regionali dei culti hindu. In particolare, egli ha svolto studi sul campo nelle aree dell’Orissa popolate dai Kondh e in quelle del neo-stato del Jharkhand popolate dai Munda. Nel corso di tale ricerca il suo principale obiettivo è consistito nell’individuare parallelismi e divergenze fra le tradizioni di sacrificio umano e di sacrificio del bufalo sviluppatesi nel corso della storia fra le comunità hindu da un lato e quelle tribali dall’altro. I risultati sono riassunti in due saggi.
Il primo, in inglese, reca il titolo "Traditions of Human Sacrifice in Ancient and Tribal India and Their Relation to Shâktism," ed apparirà presto nel volume Breaking Boundaries with the Goddess: New Directions in the Study of Shâktism. Essays in Honor of Narendra Nath Bhattacharyya, edito da Rachel McDermott e Cynthia Humes (attualmente sotto contratto con Manohar Publishers, New Delhi).
Il secondo saggio, dedicato al sacrificio del bufalo, è reso qui disponibile sia in italiano che, in forma ridotta, in inglese.

Francesco Brighenti (b. Venice, Italy, 1963) has travelled extyensively in India in pursuit of his academic concerns around the living traditions of Hinduism. And, resultantly having worked on the goddess-cults of Orissa (Eastern India) during 1995-97 he took his Ph.D. from the Utkal University, Bhubaneswar. Earlier in 1991, he graduated in History from the University of Venice.
As a member of the Venetian Academy of Indian Studies: an Association of Indologists affiliated to the Department of Studies of Eastern Asia, University of Venice, Dr. Brighenti is presently researching upon the religious cults practiced by different tribes of Orissa like the Hill Saoras and the Kondhs, and their relation to the regional typologies of Hindu cults.

Consulta anche: Metamorfosi feline dei vivi e dei morti fra i Kondh dell'Orissa
Consulta anche: Sacrificio di bovini, rituale funerario e culto degli antenati