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20/09/2024 01:54:45

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Chasing the Rainbow
Growing up in an Indian Village
Manoj Das

Editeur - Casa editrice




Anno - Date de Parution


Pagine - Pages


Lingua - language - langue


Chasing the Rainbow  


Recensione in altra lingua (English):

This collection of short stories is set in Sankhari, the author's village by the sea in Orissa, bordering West Bengal. All the impressions narrated came to the author between his fourth and fourteenth years.


Manoj Das, a prolific author, is among India's foremost short story writers. He writes both in Oriya (Odia) and English, and is a Professor of English at the Sri Aurobindo International University, Pondicherry.

Manoj Das was born in a small coastal village named Shankari in Balasore district, Orissa State. Since 1963, he has been an ashramite at Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry. He is presently concentrating on writing novels.

Manoj Das is perhaps the foremost bilingual Oriya writer and a master of dramatic expression both in his English and Oriya short stories and novels. He says that:
"Characters follow the theme of a story, and the words are merely added by author to represent the thoughts of the character."
That is the precise reason why Das's characters in fiction are from so many varied backgrounds, and display many different dimensions of human nature. He is a philosopher, a thinker-writer whose works can be defined as a quest for finding the eternal truth in everyday situations.