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ricerca di: Tilman - Libri recensiti: 13

Mischief in Patagonia di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: Appassionato velista, unì alpinismo e navigazione per esplorare regioni montuose e scalare montagne in Groenlandia e Patagonia. Scomparve nell'Oceano Atlantico, assieme ai cinque uomini del suo equipaggio, durante una traversata da Rio alle isole Falkland.

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The Ascent of Nanda Devi di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. Read book review of "The seven mountain travel books"

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The Eight Sailing/Mountain-Exploration Books di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: Includes Mischief in Patagonia; Mischief Among the Penguins; Mischief in Greenland; and Mostly Mischief.

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The seven mountain travel books di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. His belief was "any worthwhile expedition can be planned on the back of an envelope."
This paperbound includes: Snow on the Equator, The Ascent of Nanda Devi, When Men and Mountains Meet, 1938, Two Mountains and a River, China to Chitral, Nepal Himalaya.

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Uomini e montagne Dall'Himalaya alla guerra partigiana sulle Alpi di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: In Uomini e montagne, l'autore racconta una spedizione nell'Himalaya dell'Assam e tre salite effettuate in tempo di guerra - in Iraq, Iran e Tunisia - per poi passare alle vicende belliche a cui partecipò in qualità di ufficiale dell'esercito britannico, prima in Albania e poi in Italia, sulle Alpi bellunesi, accanto ai partigiani della brigata Gramsci e delle divisioni Nannetti e Belluno.

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When men & mountains meet di Tilman H. William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century.
In the first half of the book, Tilman offers an account of 3 Himalayan explorations: The Assam Himalaya in 1939, and 2 expeditions to the Zemu Gap in 1936 and 1938. The second half relates his experiences with the guerillas of Albania and North Italy.

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China to Chitral di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century.
Read book review of "The seven mountain travel books"

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Everest 1938 di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: 29 mai 2003 : cinquantième anniversaire de la conquête de l'Everest. En 1938, Harold William Tilman dirige la cinquième expédition britannique El'Everest et atteint, sans oxygène, l'altitude de 8 300 mètres. Ce document, vivant et spirituel, apporte El'histoire de la conquête de l'Everest une contribution originale. En effet, Tilman fut un précurseur authentique " Une expédition qui ne peut s'organiser sur une feuille de papier Elettre ordinaire [...] souffre d'un excès d'organisation " - ainsi conçoit-il les expéditions qu'il envisage légères bien avant l'heure.

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Himalaya del Nepal di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century.
Read book review of "The seven mountain travel books"

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NP105 Langtang & Helambu Great Himalaya Trail Map - 1:125.000 Kanja la - Gosainkund - Tilman Pass di Boustead Robin

 In breve: La carta più utile per il Langtang e l'Helambu è la NP105 in scala 1:125.000 pubblicata da Kathmandu Map House, curata da Robin Boustead, aggiornata al dopo terremoto e che riporta Kanja-La - Gosainkund e Tilman Pass. Segnalo che non riporta il sentiero da Dovan a Thulllo Sabryu, In verità l'area interessata dal trkking è solo una decima parte dell'ampio foglio.

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Snow on the Equator di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century.
Read book review of "The seven mountain travel books"

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The Last Hero: Bill Tilman a Biography of the Explorer di Madge Tim

 In breve: Biography of the sailor, mountaineer, and adventurer, called "perhaps the greatest explorer of the twentieth century."

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Two Moountains and a River I Made a Resolve Not to Begin Climbing Until Assured by a Plague of Flies That Summer Had Really Come di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. The mountains of the title are Rakaposhi and Mustagh Ata, ascents of both of which Tilman attempted (the latter with Eric Shipton). After his return from these attempts Tilman visited the source of the Oxus, the river of the title.

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