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ricerca di: Hooder - Libri recensiti: 6

Blank on the Map Pioneering exploration in the Shaksgam valley and Karakoram mountains di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Shipton's account of exploration in the Shaksgam area north of the main Karakoram range. The team included Tilman, M. Spender, and J.B. Auden.
Leggi la recensione in The Six Mountain - Travel Books.
Spedizioni leggere: un libro da far leggere ai tromboni che vivono di K2, K3, Himalaya, Karakorum e piramidi varie.

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Land of Tempest Travels in Patagonia 1958-1962 di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Land of Tempest reveals Eric Shipton at his best - writing with enthusiasm and humour about his explorations in Patagonia in the 1950s and 1960s.

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Mountains of Tartary di Shipton Eric

 In breve: 1950's "Mountains of Tartary" is Eric Shipton's astonishing and entertaining account of his time as British Consul at Kashgar in the remote and mountainous Chinese Province of Sinkiang during and immediately after World War Two.

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Nanda Devi Exploration and Ascent di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Fin dalle prime pagine di “Nanda Devi” emerge la filosofia di questo alpinismo di ricerca, povero di mezzi e ricco di grandi obiettivi. Mezzi poveri se viene presa in considerazione l'idea di raggiungere in bicicletta l'India da Londra!

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That Untravelled World The autobiography of a pioneering mountaineer and explorer di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Also this book of Eric Shipton takes one back to the glorious days of Himalayan exploration when every turn on the mountain trail could reveal a sight, hitherto unknown to human eyes. It is no surprise that some of the grandest secrets of the Himalayas were revealed to probably the most sympathetic, poetic and daring explorers of all time.

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Upon that Mountain di Shipton Eric

 In breve: In navigazione verso l'Inghilterra, in un breve rientro durante la guerra, Shipton riepiloga le tappe dell'esperienza alpinistica in “Upon that Mountain”. Non č solo il racconto di imprese avventurose. I principi fondamentali del suo alpinismo vengono delineati chiaramente.

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