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14 riflessi sul lago delle visioni (Histoire des Dalaï-Lamas) Histoire des Dalaï-Lamas 14 riflessi sul lago delle visioni, storia dei Dalai Lama - Barraux Roland - Amrita - Torino - 1997 
A Buddhist Spectrum (A Buddhist Spectrum : Contributions to the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue) A Buddhist Spectrum : Contributions to the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue A Buddhist Spectrum : Contributions to the Christian-Buddhist Dialogue - Pallis Marco - World Wisdom Books - 2003 
A cultural History of Tibet Tibet - storia della tradizione, della letteratura e dell'arte - Richardson Hugh & Snellgrove David - Shambhala Publications - Boston - 1986 
Across Peaks & Passes in Ladakh, Zanskar & East Karakoram Across Peaks & Passes in Ladakh, Zanskar & East Karakoram - Kapadia Harish - Indus Publishing Company - Delhi - 1999 
Africa Solo: A Journey Across the Sahara, Sahel, and Congo - Kertscher Kevin - Steerforth Press - 1998 
Alci, Il santuario buddhista nascosto del Ladakh. Il Sumtsek (Alchi, Ladakh’s Hidden Buddhist Sanctuary. The Sumtek) Alchi: Ladakh's Hidden Buddhist Sanctuary : The Sumtsek - Goepper Roger - Poncar Jaroslav - Adelphi - Milano - 1996 
Alla ricerca del Shangri-la (The Search for Shangri-La: A Journey into Tibetan History) The Search for Shangri-La: A Journey into Tibetan History - Allen Charles - Newton & Compton - Roma - 2000 
An area of darkness Un'area di tenebra - Naipaul Vidiadhar S. - Vintage Books USA - 2002 
Antiquities of Indian Tibet - Francke August Hermann - Superintendent Government Printing India - Calcutta - 1914 
Appuntamento a Essendilene (Le rendez-vous d'Essendilène (ed J’ai lu Style) ) Le rendez-vous d'Essendilène - Frison Roche Roger - - 1954 
Arabia deserta (Travels in Arabia Deserta) Arabia Deserta - Doughty Charles M. - Payot - 2003 
Arabian Sands - Thesiger Wilfred - Penguin Travel - Orig. Longmans, Green. 1959 - 1959 
Arresting God in Kathmandu - Upadhyay Samrat - Mariner Books - New Delhi - 2001 
Birds of Bhutan (Birds of Bhutan: Field Guide) Birds of Bhutan: Field Guide - Inskipp Carol - A&C Black - 1999 
Blank on the Map (Blank on the Map: Pioneering exploration in the Shaksgam valley and Karakoram mountains) - Shipton Eric - Hooder & Stoughton - London - 1938 
Bon Religion of Tibet (The Bon Religion of Tibet : The Iconography of a Living Tradition) The Bon Religion of Tibet : The Iconography of a Living Tradition Bon Religion of Tibet - Kvaerne Per - Shambhala - 1995 
Buddhismo senza fede (Buddhism without Beliefs. A Contemporary Guide to Awakening ) Buddhism without Beliefs. A Contemporary Guide to Awakening Buddhism without Beliefs. A Contemporary Guide to Awakening - Batchelor Stephen - Ubaldini - Roma - 1998 
Calling from Kashgar: A Journey through Tibet Calling from Kashgar - Rod Richard - - - 1990 
Caravan of Tartary Caravanes de Tartarie - Michaud Roland, Michaud Sabrina - Le Chêne - 1984 
Caravans of the Himalaya - Valli Eric, Summers Diane - National Geographic Society - 1995 

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