Mappe 1:50.000 series Maps of Nepal
"Lento pede ambulabis" è un motto della Scuola Salernitana, e se pur riferito alla digestione è ormai il mio motto preferito poiché con l'avanzare dell'età desidero godermi appieno i paesaggi e gli incontri, con calma... senza correre e affaticarmi. Mi piace girovagare per le montagne del Nepal ed affrontare nuovi itinerari visitando valli remote.
Topographic maps of Nepal produced by Survey Department of His Majesty's Government of Nepal in co-operation with the Government of Finland starting in 1996. Footprints were created using the fishnet tool, and data supplied by Colorado School of Mines. After the footprints were created, the shapefile was trimmed and labeled according to the sources. NO access or use constraints. This file may be freely used by all.