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  A cultural History of Tibet di Richardson Hugh & Snellgrove David

 In breve: Divided into three major sections, this comprehensive history covers the early kings, the middle ages, and the Yellow Hats, through to the 20th century. Ample b&w illustrations. A reprint of a revised edition published in 1980 by Prajna Press. (First edition published in 1968 by George Weidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.) Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

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  Gentle Bridges di Tensing Gyatso, XIV Dalai Lama

 In breve: What is the essence of the mind? Could computers ever have consciousness? Can compassion be learned? When does consciousness enter the human embryo?

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  Alchi di Goepper Roger

 In breve: Alchi contains over 300 color plates, maps, and plans. They are beautifully integrated into the text and are important evidence of the development of the cult meditation Buddhas of the Varjayana tradition. This volume is an important documentation of some world class art on the verge of extinction.

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  Indo-Tibetan Buddhism di Snellgrove David L.

 In breve: Con Himalayan Pilgrimage e Four lamas of Dolpo, Snellgrove aveva iniziato un percorso culturale sviluppatosi letteralmente passo dopo passo attraverso le valli dell’Himàlaya. Questo volume raccoglie cinquant'anni di studi.

This authoritative and highly illustrated study concentrates on Buddhist philosophy and practice from the eighth to the thirteenth century, when the Tibetans were actively engaged in absorbing and importing Buddhist culture and religion from India. Snellgrove, a renowned Tibetan Buddhist scholar, emphasizes the significant role played by the Central Asian kingdoms along the ancient Silk Route in the gradual process of Tibetan conversion.

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  The Life of Marpa the Translator di Heruka, Tsang N.

 In breve: Marpa the Translator, the eleventh-century farmer, scholar, and teacher, is one of the most renowned saints in Tibetan Buddhist history. In the West, Marpa is best known through his teacher, the Indian yogin Nropa, and through his closest disciple, Milarepa.

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  Tibetan Thangka Painting: di Jackson David P. , Jackson Janice A.

 In breve: "Tibetan Thangka Painting" è l'unica descrizione dettagliata delle tecniche e dei principi dell'arte sacra della pittura su rotolo tibetana. È il distillato di ricerche effettuate in un periodo di dieci anni, raccolte durante cinque viaggi in Nepal e in India e compilate da alcuni. venti pittori tradizionali.

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  When Things Fall Apart di Chodron, Pema

 In breve: The beautiful practicality of her teaching has made Pema Chödrön one of the most beloved of contemporary American spiritual authors among Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike. A collection of talks she gave between 1987 and 1994, the book is a treasury of wisdom for going on living when we...

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  Dragon Thunder di Gimian Carolyn ; Mukpo Diana J.

 In breve: In a story at turns magical, troubling, humorous, and totally out of the ordinary, the author takes readers into her intimate life with one of the most influential and dynamic Buddhist teachers of the 20th century. 10 photos.

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