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ricerca di: Serindi - Libri recensiti: 9

Buddhist Sculpture in Clay Early Western Himalayan Art, Late 10th to Early 13th Centuries di Luczanits Christian

 In breve: Large-scale clay sculptures representing the main deities are characteristics of the earliest Tibetan Buddhist monuments and particularly of the monasteries and village-temples built - from the end of the 10th to the early 13th centuries in West Tibet and Ladakh.

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Early Temples of Central Tibet di Vitali Roberto

 In breve: Indimenticabile per l'accuratezza nella ricerca. Il libro di Vitali (che ha curato anche la parte artistica della guida di Victor Chan) è utile a chi vuole comprendere a fondo elementi quali Tsulu o il grande Chorten Riwoche sul Brahamaputra.

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The Dalai Lamas A Visual History di Martin Brauen

 In breve: The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History presents the history of all fourteen Dalai Lamas in both essays and illustrations. Sixteen contributors from around the world illuminate the institution of the Dalai Lama, including the system of reincarnation; the biographies and religious training of each Dalai Lama; their relationship to religious schools, other lineages, regents, and the Panchen Lamas; their religious and political interconnections with surrounding countries; and their more recent interactions with Russia, Europe, and America.

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Ceremonies of the Lhasa Year di Richardson Hugh

 In breve: Starting with month-long ceremonies of the New Year, the reader is taken through the full chronological sequence of both secular and Buddhist rites which punctuated the Tibetan Year.

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Empowered Masters Tibetan Wall Paintings of Mahasiddhas at Gyantse di von Schroeder Ulrich

 In breve: Alcuni dei più importanti monumenti buddhisti tibetani sopravvissuti alle devastazioni della storia sono i templi e le cappelle di Gyantse In una cappella al piano superiore del Palkhor Tsuglagkhang esistono splendidi dipinti murali dei leggendari ottantaquattro mahasiddha, adepti tantrici che, attraverso lo sforzo e la pratica, hanno raggiunto la perfezione e sono dotati di poteri straordinari.

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Jamyang Khyentsé Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet Hardcover di Akeste Matthew

 In breve:

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The Great Stupa of Gyantse A Complete Tibetan Pantheon of the Fifteenth Century di Ricca, Franco; Bue, Erberto Lo

 In breve: The great stupa of Gyantse, about 100 miles south-west of Lhasa, is considered the chief wonder of the Tibetan Buddhist world in that it records iconographically within its 75 chapels and temples practically the whole pantheon of Indo-Tibetan religion up to the time of its construction during the first half of the 15th century. Built by the princes of Gyantse, it is the most important surviving Tibetan monument to predate the establishment of the Dalai Lamas' theocracy in Lhasa and the construction of the Potala Palace.

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Tibet in 1938-1939 Photographs from the Ernst Schäfer Expedition to Tibet di Engelhardt Isrun

 In breve: Laying dormant in the German Federal Archives in Koblenz are photographs from one of the most controversial expedition in recent history: the Ernst Schäfer expedition to Tibet in 1938-1939.

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Tibetan Histories A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works di Martin Dan

 In breve: This bibliography, over ten years in the making and numbering over seven hundred items, attempts to provide for the first time a comprehensive listing in chronological sequence of Tibetan-language works belonging to the typical historical genres that have evolved between the 11th century and the present. Included are not only the dates and details of composition or publication, authorship and title, but also references to the burgeoning secondary literature in other languages.

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