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ricerca di: Nanda - Libri recensiti: 10

Kailas Manasarovar di Swami Pranavananda

 In breve: È la base di tutte le guide al Kailash. Tutti han copiato da questo libro, quasi introvabile nella edizione originale (ne avevo trovata una nella Pilgrim a Thamel - KTM), chiedevano 100 US$ e gliel'ho lasciata. Ripubblicata in anastatica.

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Concise Flowers of the Himalaya di Polunin Oleg ; Stainton Adam

 In breve:

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Nanda Devi Exploration and Ascent di Shipton Eric

 In breve: Fin dalle prime pagine di “Nanda Devi” emerge la filosofia di questo alpinismo di ricerca, povero di mezzi e ricco di grandi obiettivi. Mezzi poveri se viene presa in considerazione l'idea di raggiungere in bicicletta l'India da Londra!

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Primitive Tribes of Orissa and Their Development Strategies di Nityananda Patnaik

 In breve: Tribal people living in the remote areas of the territory forms an indispensable part of the Indian population. More than 250 different tribal groups inhabit in India, of which 62 tribal groups live in Orissa, each varying in culture, language, economic life and level of literacy. The thirteen tribal groups, namely Birhor, Bondo, Didayi, Dongria-Khond, Juangs, Kharias, Kutia Khond, Lanjia Saoras, Lodhas, Mankidias, Paudi Bhuinyas, Soura and Chuktia Bhunjia, having pre-agricultural level of technology and extermely low level of literacy have been recognized as `Primitive Tribes` of Orissa.

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The Ascent of Nanda Devi di Tilman Harold William

 In breve: H. W. Tilman has been called "arguably the best expedition writer and best explorer-mountaineer" of the 20th century. Read book review of "The seven mountain travel books"

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La danza di Siva Arte e civiltà nell'India di Coomaraswamy Ananda K.

 In breve: Coomaraswamy pubblica "La Danza di Siva" nel 1918, al termine di quella Prima Guerra Mondiale che non rappresentò, per usare le sue stesse parole, "una contingenza sfortunata ma l'esito inevitabile della Civiltà europea".

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Nanda Devi The Tragic Expedition di Roskelley John

 In breve: Originally published in 1987, Nanda Devi: The Tragic Expedition established Roskelley's reputation for being not only a forthright and uncompromising climbing critic, but also a wise and authoritative mountaineer dedicated to grueling preparedness.

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Nanda Devi: a Journey to the Last Sanctuary di Thomson Hugh

 In breve: The Nanda Devi Sanctuary is even more difficult to reach than the North Pole, but this Himalayan mountain valley has lured explorers for centuries. Hugh Thomson describes his daring ascent to paradise

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Lo Shaolin di Sri Rohininandana Das

 In breve: Recensione da inserire

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Himalaya passion cruelle Expédition française à la Nanda Nevi 1951 di Languepin J.J.

 In breve: Plus qu'à quiconque, il m'est difficile de juger "Himalaya, passion cruelle"; plus qu'à quiconque aussi il me plaît d'écrire sur ce livre tant il m'a semblé vivre à sa lecture les émotions de ces camarades partis à la conquête des hautes Cimes de la Nanda Devi.
Maurice Herzog

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