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ricerca di: Penguin - Libri recensiti: 16

When China Rules the World The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order di Jacques Martin

 In breve: Un titolo che è un pugno nello stomaco. O un incubo. Sarà per questo che il saggio di Martin Jacques, uscito in Inghilterra e negli Stati Uniti, è stato tradotto in Cina, Taiwan, Giappone, Indonesia, ma in nessun paese dell'Europa continentale? E' troppo duro per noi confrontarci con le tesi di Jacques?

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Arabian Sands di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Read it to understand the places we are sending our troops, or read it to be taken away completely from whatever troubles your urban or susburban psyche, but read Arabian Sands.

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The Dragon in the Land of Snows A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947 di Tsering Shakya

 In breve: Con una documentazione completa, Shakya descrive nei dettagli le depredazioni cinesi del Tibet e rivela i fallimenti delle strategie divise della leadership tibetana. Elevandosi al di sopra del semplicistico dualismo così spesso riscontrato nei resoconti della controversa storia recente del Tibet, The Dragon in the Land of Snows descrive lucidamente la tragedia che ha colpito il Tibet e identifica le forze contrastanti che continuano a plasmare le aspirazioni del popolo tibetano oggi.

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The great railway bazaar By Train Through Asia di Theroux Paul

 In breve: Theroux's epigrams, beginning his text and along the way, express his hope that his journey would be guidance for anyone else attempting such a trip.

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A Woman in Arabia The Writings of the Queen of the Desert di Bell Gertrude

 In breve: Gli scritti di una delle grandi avventuriere del Novecento - la 'Lawrence d'Arabia' - e oggetto di un nuovo film con protagonista Nicole Kidman.

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Across the Empty Quarter di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Allows readers to travel both around the planet and back through the centuries - but also back into ideas and worlds frightening, ruthless and cruel in different ways from our own.

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Burial at Sea di Singh Khushwant

 In breve: In this, his first novella in five years, one of India's most widely read authors returns to territories he knows best: twentieth-century Indian history, bogus religion, and sexuality.

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Chasing the Monsoon di Frater Alexander

 In breve: Quale il luogo più piovoso del mondo?

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Hindoo Holiday, an indian journal di Ackerley J. R.

 In breve: In the 1920s, a young J. R. Ackerley spent several months in India as the personal Secretary to the maharajah of a small principality. In his journals, Ackerley recorded the Maharajah's fantastically eccentric habits and the shambling day-to-day life of his court. Hindoo Holiday is an intimate and very funny account of an exceedingly strange place.

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Into the High Ranges The Penguin Book of Mountain Writings di Agarhwal Ravina

 In breve: Cold and forbidding to some. A comfort and solace to others. India’s mountainscapes are a testimony to the endurance of the human spirit. From the Himalayas in the north to the Nilgiris in the south, there exist a diverse range of physical, cultural, and aesthetic lifestyles. Into the High Ranges brings together essays and creative works by some of India’s best-known contemporary writers as well as fresh writings by other authors whose imaginations have been fired by these high reaches. Covering a broad spectrum of themes that delve into literature, history, culture and politics, these narratives present an intimate view that differs from stereotypical musings on mountains.

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Ladakh Gods and mortals behind the Himalayas di Harrer Heinrich

 In breve: Estate 1977, più di trent'anni fa. Il Ladakh è aperto al turismo solo da tre anni. La valle dello Zanskar si raggiunge a piedi perché la strada sterrata verrà terminata nel 1980. È la possibilità di scoprire un mondo tibetano intatto ed arrivano incredibili personaggi: Heinrich Harrer ritrova il Tibet degli anni 40, Peissel rivive la scoperta del Mustang negli anni 50, Oliver Follmi inizia qui la sua carriera di fotografo.

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Return to Tibet Tibet After the Chinese Occupation di Harrer Heinrich

 In breve: A fusty, indignant report -dated 1983- from Tibet by Harrer (Seven Years in Tibet, not reviewed), the now-celebrated adventurer who briefly returned to his "second home'' 30 years after fleeing China's invasion.
Ho letto il volumetto nel 1986 volando da Chengdu a Lhasa. Ci avrebbe aiutato a capire quali erano i cambiamenti fra la Lhasa dei nostri sogni e la città reale. Harrer era tornato con un incarico da parte del Dalia Lama. Anche la Lhasa vista da Harrer nel 1982 è scomparsa. Gli edifici cinesi sono stati abbattuti da nuovi palazzi ferro cemento cinese.
Trudurlo e pubblicarlo dopo quasi vent'anni è stata una operazione commerciale

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Season of Migration to the North A Novel di Salih Al-Tayyib

 In breve: One of the classic themes followed in this complex novel, translated from the Arabic, is cultural dissonance between East and West, particularly the experience of a returned native. The narrator returns from his studies in England to his remote little village in Sudan, to begin his career as an educator. There he encounters Mustafa, a fascinating man of mystery, who also has studied at Oxford. As their relationship builds on this commonality, Mustafa reveals his past. A series of compulsive liaisons with English women who were similarly infatuated with the "Black Englishman," as he was nicknamed, have ended in disaster.

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The Book of Devi di Sharma Bulbul

 In breve: Devi, Mother and Protector of the World, is one of the most loved figures of Hindu iconography. Her essence encompasses the ferocity of Durga, the compassion of Lakhsmi, the erudition of Saraswati and the terrible thirst for battle of Kalika, In her various incarnations Devi is warrior, mother, faithful wife and the fount of knowledge, delivering all that her devotees ask of her.

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The marsh arabs di Thesiger Wilfred

 In breve: Wilfred Thesiger's classic account of the eight years he spent living with the tribespeople of the Marshes of Iraq. First published in 1964 to great acclaim, this book by one of the century's greatest explorers describes a way of life which lasted for thousands of years, but has now all but vanished. Travelling with his medicine boxes and his teams of canoemen around the junction between the Tigris and the Euphrates, Thesiger visited nearly every village in the Central Marshes and came to know intimately the people who inhabit this landscape of islands, lakes and waterways, living with them in their reed houses and sharing their unique way of life.

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Tutor of History di Thapa Manjushree

 In breve: The Tutor of History is a charming, sizeable novel giving detailed insights into the lives of common Nepalese townsfolk

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